The UL-UU conference series has been devised and organised jointly by Prof Gisela Holfter, CIGS,  University of Limerick and Prof Paul Carmichael, Ulster University, and developed in partnership with the support of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung. The initial conference was entitled ‘Unions, Break-ups and Special Relationships – Aspects of the Irish-German-UK Relationships’ (18th International Conference in Irish-German Studies) and was held at the University of Limerick, 4-5 November 2021. The second conference was held at Ulster University, 3-4 November 2022, and entitled ‘New Ways of Engagement and the International Context: Northern Ireland and Ireland’. In the upcoming third event, taking Place in UL 16-17 November 2023 and entitled ‘Engaging Cross Borders: Perspectives from Ireland and Europe’, we will explore in more detail some of the themes and issues considered hitherto.