Date: Wednesday, 22 May 2024 - Friday, 24 May 2024
Time: 10:00 - 12:30
Duration: 2.5 hours per session
Contact: Linda Keane -
Register now for this FULLY FUNDED course which introduces you to the concepts and practices of modern network design, deployment, and management using programmability and automation tools.

This course is delivered both in-person at University of Limerick and Online


You will learn about the fundamentals of traditional networking, the limitations of manual configuration and maintenance, and the performance benefits that are possible through SDN.

You will also explore the requirements and challenges of building and operating reliable, scalable, and sustainable networks for various business applications and markets.

22 May: SDN versus Traditional Networking - Principles and Fundamentals.

23 May: Modern/Hyper – Scale Reliable Networks  - Capabilities and Performance.

24 May: Deploying and maintaining modern network environments  - Sustainably and Power aware!

This course is for IT/Networking professionals who would like to pursue a career and specialise in deploying and maintaining high-scalable modern network infrastructure leveraging an SDN approach.

Download Course Flyer for further details

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